I made this in a hurry and it just didn't turn out the way I wanted it to, I probably should have taken a little more time. I will make a better one as soon as I find the right purse.
I've noticed detachable collar is becoming trendy and some people actually wear it as a necklace. I have lots of old lace collars around collecting dust because I'm too lazy to match them with the right shirts to sew on. So I decided to turn some of them into necklaces instead. I sewed two ends together, and string a black ribbon through the front to tie into a bow.
Steampunk? Victorian? Lolita? Burlesque? Goth? I'm not sure what category this should belong to, since people seem to use these (completely different) words interchangeably on eBay and etsy anyway.
I started off with a pair of dyeable shoes I got from eBay. The fabric is a matte sateen, which is more durable than shiny satin. I used food coloring for the dye, add 5 drops or so to 1/4 cup of water. Test the color on a paper towel first. The colors will blend together nicely if you work quickly enough. Have napkin ready nearly to wipe off any excess dye that might drip off. With shoe clips inspired by Irregular Choice .
I bought this ring from eBay for 99 cents Paint the hearts white first before painting a bright color, the color will show up brighter. Finished
I got a cheap furry ball keychain recently, I decided to add two eyes and make it into susuwatari, little dust bunnies from My Neighbor Totoro.
January 2016